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Folleto actual Jafra - Válido del 01.02 al 29.02 - Página nº 29

Folleto Jafra 01.02.2024 - 29.02.2024

Artículos en este catálogo

JAFRA “o REQUIRES EXTRA POSTAGE | YOUR INDEPENDENT JAFRA CONSULTANT: | Por e BONUS-SIZE ROYAL ALMOND 1FOR$36 $52 | 319264 2 FOR $52 $104 | 319265 No purchase limit. A. Rich Body Oil with Vitamin E B. Hydrating Body Lotion with Vita min E 16.9 fl. oz. each id While supplies last. Decorations are not included. 319005 (5) -2/2024

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JAFRA “o REQUIRES EXTRA POSTAGE | YOUR INDEPENDENT JAFRA CONSULTANT: | Por e BONUS-SIZE ROYAL ALMOND 1FOR$36 $52 | 319264 2 FOR $52 $104 | 319265 No purchase limit. A. Rich Body Oil with Vitamin E B. Hydrating Body Lotion with Vita min E 16.9 fl. oz. each id While supplies last. Decorations are not included. 319005 (5) -2/2024

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